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閱讀測驗49‐50 Tour guide: “Los Angeles County Metro is unique among the nation's transportation. It provides safe, clean, courteous, reliable, on‐time service. Most rail lines in LA start around 4 a.m. and keep running past midnight, but they're less frequent in the evening.” Tourists: “Any safety tips?” Tour guide: “Yes, security is a top priority for the Metro. For example, you should always stand away from the edge of platform. Wait for exiting passengers to leave, then board. Also, watch the gap between the platform and train. Watch your step, especially at night or in wet weather. Don't skate on the platform, stairs or escalators and don’t play near trains or tracks. Remember: pushing and shoving can cause accidents. If you travel with your child, hold on to your child when a train approaches. Last, take a seat if possible or use handrails.”
【題組】25. According to the passage you have read, which of the following does the tour guide advise ?
(A) Walking on the tracks or skating on the escalators is not prohibited.
(B) Children are not allowed to board the Metro when it comes.
(C) Passengers who want to get off the Metro should wait till all the passengers who want to board the Metro finish boarding.
(D) Standing too close to the edge of the train platform is dangerous.

難度: 簡單
p34463029 小二上 (2017/04/04)
... you should alway☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆...

112年已上岸,擺脫爛上司 博二下 (2021/12/29)

Watch your step, especially at night or in wet weather. Don't skate on the platform, stairs or escalators and don’t play near trains or tracks.

注意你的腳步,尤其是在晚上或潮濕的天氣裡。 不要在平台、樓梯或自動扶梯上溜冰,也不要在火車或軌道附近玩耍。


(A) 不禁止在軌道上行走或在自動扶梯上滑冰。

(B) 地鐵來臨時,兒童不得上車。

(C) 想要下地鐵的乘客,請等到所有想要上地鐵的乘客都上車後。

(D) 站得離站台邊緣太近很危險。

閱讀測驗49‐50 Tour guide: “Los Angeles Coun..-阿摩線上測驗