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38. Man: Excuse me, is this seat taken? Woman: Someone was sitting here a minute ago. Man: I guess I’ll have to find another seat. Woman: Wait! I remember he took his coat with him when he left. What does the woman imply?
(A) It is cold outside.
(B) The movie is not good enough.
(C) The man may sit anywhere he likes.
(D) The seat is available.

難度: 非常簡單
文心雕龍 大三下 (2018/01/01)
男士:對不起,這個座位是?女:一分鐘前有人坐在這裡。男人:我想我得找另一個座位。女:等等!我記得他離開的時候,他帶著他的外套。那女人意味著什麼? (A)外面很冷。 (B)電影不夠好。 (C)男人可以坐在他喜歡的任何地方。 (D)座位可用。

38.Man: Excuse me, is this seat taken? ..-阿摩線上測驗