
8. The United States Tennis Association is________a major renovation of Arthur Ashe Stadium that could feature superluxury areas to enhance the already lavish experience of their biggest spenders.
(A) intruding
(B) juxtaposing
(C) focusing
(D) weighing
(E) tiptoeing

難度: 計算中

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
Celeste 小五下 (2024/06/10):



a major renovation:重大翻新



(A) intruding:闖入


They're intruding on our privacy! 他们在侵犯我们的隱私"侏羅紀公園 (1993)

"I don't want you intruding on my life." - From the movie 我不希望你干涉我的生活。" - "第六感" (1999)

(B) juxtaposing: 并列

1. Juxtaposing: 并列

   - The Dark Knight (2008)

     - 英文: "The Joker's chaotic nature is juxtaposed with Batman's sense of order and justice."

     - 中文: "小丑的混亂本性與蝙蝠俠的秩序和正義感形成對比。"

(C) focusing: 聚焦

   - The Florida Project (2017)

     - 英文: "The film focuses on the lives of children living in a budget motel near Disney World."

     - 中文: "這部電影聚焦於住在迪士尼世界附近的一家廉價汽車旅館裡的孩子們的生活。"

(D) weighing:秤重,考慮

英文解釋 "to carefully consider, especially by comparing facts or possibilities, in order to make a decision" 



1. Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to start.

   - 我們只有權衡了所有相關因素後,才能決定何時開始最好。

2. Economic benefits must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling radioactive waste.

   - 經濟利益必須仔細權衡處理放射性廢物的潛在危險。

   - **The Lion King (1994)**

     - 英文: "Simba weighs the responsibility of becoming king against his desire for a carefree life."

     - 中文: "辛巴在成為國王的責任和他對無憂無慮生活的渴望之間權衡。"

(E) tiptoeing: 踮起腳尖

以下是包含 "tiptoeing" 的電影例句:

1. The Hangover (2009)

   - 英文: "We were tiptoeing around the hotel room, trying not to wake up the tiger."

   - 中文: "我們在酒店房間裡踮著腳走,試圖不吵醒老虎。"

2. Toy Story 2 (1999)

   - 英文: "Buzz and his friends were tiptoeing through the toy store to avoid being seen."

   - 中文: "巴斯和他的朋友們踮著腳走過玩具店,以避免被看到。"

3. The Tenant (1976)

   - 英文: "He was tiptoeing around his apartment, paranoid that someone was watching him."

   - 中文: "他在公寓裡踮著腳走,偏執地認為有人在看著他。"


8. The United States Tennis Association ..-阿摩線上測驗