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TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)托福題庫下載題庫

Questions 21-29 Face masks are commonly used in rituals and performances. They not only hide the real face of the mask wearer but they often evoke powerful emotions in the audience-danger, fear, sadness, joy. You might think, because so many things vary Line cross-culturally, that the ways in which emotions are displayed and recognized in the 5 face vary too. Apparently they do not. Recent research on masks from different cultures supports the conclusion that masks, like faces, tend to represent certain emotions in the some ways. We now have some evidence that the symbolism used in masks is often universal The research on masks builds on work done by anthropologists, who used photographs 10 of individuals experiencing various emotions. These photographs were shown to members of different cultural groups who were asked to identify the emotions displayed in the photographs. Emotions were identified correctly by most viewers, whatever the viewer's native culture. Coding schemes were developed to enable researchers to compare the detailed facial 15 positions of individual portions of die face (eyebrows, mouth, etc.) for different emotions, What exactly do we do when we scowl? We contract the eyebrows and lower the comers of the mouth; in geometric terms, we make angles and diagonals on our faces. When we smile, we raise the corners of the mouth; we make it curved. Psychologist Joel Arnoff and his colleagues compared two types of wooden face masks 20 from many different societies—masks described as threatening versus masks associated with nonthreatening functions. As suspected, the two sets of masks had significant differences in certain facial elements. The threatening masks had eyebrows and eyes facing inward and downward and a downward-facing mouth. In more abstract or geometrical terms, threatening features generally tend to be angular or diagonal and 25 nonthrcatening features tend to be curved or rounded, A face with a pointed beard is threatening; a baby's face is not. The theory is that humans express and recognize basic emotions in uniform ways because all human faces are quite similar, skeletally and muscularly.
【題組】25. What does the author mean by stating, "the symbolism used in masks is often universal" (lines 7-8)?
(A) Masks are sometimes used to hide emotions.
(B) Performers often need help conveying emotions to an audience.
(C) Not all societies use masks in their rituals and
(D) People from different cultures generally express certain emotions in similar ways.

難度: 簡單

倒數 5天 ,已有 1 則答案
楊文均 國一上 (2023/04/14):

面具在儀式和表演中很常見。它們不僅隱藏了面具佩戴者的真實面容,而且經常引起觀眾的強烈情感——危險、恐懼、悲傷、喜悅等等。您可能會認為,由於許多事物在跨文化上有所不同,表達和識別面部情感的方式也會因文化差異而異。但最近對來自不同文化的面具的研究支持了一個結論,即像面孔一樣,面具往往以某種方式代表著特定的情感。我們現在有一些證據表明,面具中使用的象徵主題通常是普遍的。 對面具的研究是建立在人類學家的工作之上的,他們使用了經歷不同情感的個人的照片。這些照片被展示給來自不同文化群體的人,並要求他們識別照片中表現的情感。

hese photographs were shown to members of different cultural groups who were asked to identify the emotions displayed in the photographs. Emotions were identified correctly by most viewers, whatever the viewer's native culture.這句就是答案!



(D) People from different cultures generally express certain emotions in similar ways.


Questions 21-29 Face masks are commonly..-阿摩線上測驗