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A sociologist on an African jungle expedition held up her camera to take pictures of the native children at play. Suddenly the youngsters began to yell in protest. Turning red, the sociologist apologized to the chief for her insensitivity and told him she had forgotten that certain tribes believed a person would lose his soul if his picture was taken. She explained to him, in detail, the operation of a camera. Several times the chief tried to get a word in, but to no avail. The sociologist thought she had put all the chief’s fears to rest, and then she allowed him to speak. Smiling, he said, “The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens cap!”
【題組】39.The sociologist could have avoided explaining the operation of a camera if she had _______________.
(A) apologized first
(B) known the dialect of the tribe
(C) allowed the chief to interrupt
(D) promised the children wouldn’t lose their souls

難度: 困難

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A sociologist on an African jungle exped..-阿摩線上測驗