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42. Which of the following is the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph below?
(A) All over the world, people receive presents for their birthdays from friends.
(B) All over the world, people give friends some presents for their birthdays.
(C) All over the world, people like to throw a big party for their birthdays.
(D) All over the world, people celebrate their birthdays in different ways. _______________ In England, it is usual for friends and family to take the birthday person out for a special dinner. In France, however, the person whose birthday it is takes his or her friends and family out for dinner. In America, people give the birthday person presents. In China, people give the birthday person “lucky” red envelops filled with money. In Spain, an old custom is to pull the ear of the birthday person once for each year. So, if the person is 60 years old, it might be a very painful experience!

42. Which of the following is the most a..-阿摩線上測驗