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題型四:(第 49、50 題) 重組題。下面兩題各有若干句子,請組成文意連貫之段落,選出 正確之選項,並將答案劃在答案卡上。
【題組】49. (1) Admitted to a hospital, he began to feel worse. (2) A little boy whom doctors suspect was bitten by a mosquito suffered terrifying injuries. (3) Doctors believe that his infection was so severe that his body fought it at the expense of blood circulation to his limbs; eventually, his arms and legs had to be amputated. (4) During his stay, he developed toxic shock syndrome. (5) His right leg was covered by a rash and was swollen, and he had symptoms similar to the flu.
(A) 23451
(B) 15423
(C) 14523
(D) 25143 語文類英文組 專業科目(二) 第 11 頁 共 12 頁

題型四:(第 49、50 題) 重組題。下面兩題各有若干句子,請組成文意連貫之段..-阿摩線上測驗