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3. If people commit drunken driving, the driver's license will be ______ without any leniency.
(A) rescheduled
(B) rehearsed
(C) revoked
(D) reinforced

難度: 非常簡單
Sophia Su 高二下 (2015/05/18)
without any leniency: 決不寬貸

Sharon 高二上 (2015/06/21)
to arrange for something to happen at a different time, because the time you had planned is no longer convenient 重新安排…的時間The press conference had to be rescheduled for March 19 .   記者招待會的時間不得不改在3月19日。technical -to arrange for a debt to be paid back later than was originally agreed 【術語】重新安排債務償還時間
Sharon 高二上 (2015/06/21)
  1. to give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling, and make it stronger 加強〔信心﹑信念﹑感覺等〕

    Conclusions from the report have been reinforced by morerecent studies .   更多的最新研究證實了報告的結論。

  2. to make part of a building, structure, piece of clothing etc stronger 加強﹐加固〔建築﹑結構﹑衣物等〕

    The sea wall is being reinforced with tons of cement .   正在用成噸的水泥加固防波堤。

  3. to make a group of people, especially an army, stronger by adding people, equipment etc 增援﹐加強…的力量〔尤指軍隊〕

3. If people commit drunken driving, the..-阿摩線上測驗