
Questions 37-40 With over 22,000 varieties, orchids are one of the oldest flowers on the planet. With names like dancing lady, butterfly, ghost and slipper orchids, the flowers tickle the imagination like few others. The so-called “orchid fever” began in the 19th century when British plant collector William Swainson sent a box of orchids back to England from Brazil. People immediately fell in love with their exotic color and shape. Orchid collecting soon gained popularity as a hobby for the wealthy, creating a need for the occupation of “orchid hunter” to bridge the gap between supply and demand. It was a lucrative gig for the truly intrepid, and one fraught with risks. On the trail of this elusive flower, orchid hunters have been eaten by tigers, bitten by poisonous snakes, burned alive, beheaded, as well as killed by a variety of tropical diseases.
【題組】40. According to this passage, which of the following statements is wrong?
(A) The British probably were those of the first among Europeans to know the existence of orchid.
(B) Looking for new orchids was once one of the ways to make a fortune.
(C) Many people went looking for the flower in remote areas.
(D) The first orchid the British saw was from South America.
(E) Orchids once caused an epidemic disease that gave people fever

難度: 非常簡單

倒數 2天 ,已有 2 則答案
shuweichang 大三下 (2021/07/24):


On the trail of this elusive flower, orchid hunters have been eaten by tigers, bitten by poisonous snakes, burned alive, beheaded, as well as killed by a variety of tropical diseases.

陳思紘 高三上 (2024/02/17):
“orchid fever“是很夯的意思,此"燒"非彼燒

Questions 37-40 With over 22,000 variet..-阿摩線上測驗