【預告】5/13(一)起,第三階段頁面上方功能列以及下方資訊全面更換新版。 前往查看

(舊)TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)題庫下載題庫

6 Organisations that have a strong communications function frequently ....... those that don't; private sector companies that communicate effectively have a 19.4 per cent higher market premium than companies that do not.
(A) outperform
(B) outrank
(C) overdo
(D) overrule

難度: 適中
Amy Tsai 高三下 (2016/08/18)
(A) outperform (v.) 勝過;做得比⋯好。(B) outrank (v.) 地位高於;級別高於;階級高於;重要性高於。(C) overdo (v.) 使過於疲勞;誇張;做得過分;過火。(D) overrule (v.) 否決;統治;駁回;對⋯施加影響;支配。

6 Organisations that have a strong commu..-阿摩線上測驗