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4 n. instinctual urge; sudden desire; whim; wave of energy sent via a nerve
(A) aircraft
(B) fertilizer
(C) impulse
(D) analysis

難度: 簡單
erin 高二上 (2016/01/04)
impulse 衝動,鼓勵
金色證書~我辦的到 大三上 (2017/12/07)
  1. KK[ˋɪmpʌls] DJ[ˋimpʌls]
  2. n.名詞

    • 1. 衝動,一時的念頭[C][U]

      My uncle bought the house on an impulse我叔叔一時衝動買下了那房子。I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young. 我年輕時常憑盲目的衝動行事。
    • 2. 推動力;刺激[C]

      The signing of the agreements will give an impulse to trade between the two countries. 這些協議的簽訂會促進兩國間的貿易。
    • 3. 【生理】神經衝動;【電】脈衝[C]

      by yahoo dictionary

4 n. instinctual urge; sudden desire; wh..-阿摩線上測驗