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醫學二:100題 ( 包括生理學,生化學,藥理學,病理學等科目及其臨床相關知識 )題庫下載題庫

90 52 歲男性因黑便住院,內視鏡發現胃潰瘍,病理切片下發現有桿菌,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)染 Giemsa 或 silver 染色有助於辨認此細菌
(D)此細菌最常出現在有腸上皮化生(intestinal metaplasia)之胃黏膜

難度: 適中
Lexie Grey 大二下 (2022/01/09)

(D) “H. pylori shows tropism for gastric epithelia and is generally not found in association with gastric intestinal metaplasia or duodenal epithelium. However, H. pylori may be present in foci of pyloric metaplasia within chronically injured duodenum or gastric-type mucosa within Barrett esophagus.”

90 52 歲男性因黑便住院,內視鏡發現胃潰瘍,病理切片下發現有桿菌,下列敘述何..-阿摩線上測驗