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III.Cloze Test: Choose the answer that best fits the given text. Questions 36-40 Alphabetic, conventional text has a temporal, sequential logic, _36_ the logic of image is spatial and simultaneous. In multimodal texts, the combination of words and images communicate things that _37_ of the modes carries the full meaning separately. Alphabetic text is rapidly becoming less dominant _38_ the increasing influence of both the still and the moving image and the multimodal texts, _39_ pictures, sound, movement, color, texture, are becoming the norm. In such texts, each mode influences the other and the result is often multilayered in meaning and non-linear in nature with the screen _40_the page providing the canvas.
(A) as much as
(B) more than
(C) as great as
(D) rather than

難度: 適中
Joy :) 考上國小英語 高三下 (2015/06/21)
In such texts, each mode influences the other and the result is often multilayered in meaning and non-li.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
李大同 國二上 (2018/06/09)


the result is often multilayered in meaning and non-linear in nature with the screen rather than  the page providing the canvas.



rather than  而非

than 比較起來   rather 恰恰相反

III.Cloze Test: Choose the answer that b..-阿摩線上測驗