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編號第 22 題至第 25 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複
 More than 40 years ago, Gordon Moore, co-founder of the computer-chip maker Intel, observed that computer
processing power roughly doubles every two years. 22 At this very moment, heavily caffeinated software
engineers are designing programs that will overtax and befuddle your new turbo-powered PC when you try running
them a few years from now. 23 According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an estimated 30 to 40
million PCs will be ready for “end-of-life management” in each of the next few years.
 Computers are hardly the only electronic hardware hounded by obsolescence. A switchover to digital
high-definition television broadcasts is scheduled to be complete by 2009, rendering inoperable TVs that function
perfectly today but receive only an analog signal. 24 Moreover, in the fashion-conscious mobile market, 98
million U.S. cell phones took their last call in 2005. All told, the EPA estimates that in the U.S. that year, between 1.5
and 1.9 million tons of computers, TVs, VCRs, monitors, cell phones, and other equipment were discarded. 25 So
what happens to all this junk? 

(A) An unstated corollary to “Moore’s law” is that at any given time, all the machines considered state-of-the-art are simultaneously on the verge of obsolescence.
(B) If all sources of electronic waste are tallied, it could total 50 million tons a year worldwide, according to the UN Environment Programme.
(C) Many governments are conscious that electronic waste wrongly handled damages the environment and human health.
(D) As viewers prepare for the switch, about 25 million TVs are taken out of service yearly.

難度: 適中
放寬心!! 高三下 (2015/07/16)


Yoee Yu 大四下 (2020/04/30)

An unstated corollary to “Moore’s law” is that at any given time, all the machines considered state-of-the-art are simultaneously on the verge of obsolescence.



編號第 22 題至第 25 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者..-阿摩線上測驗