中鋼化工(1.單元操作 2.程序設計 3.物理化學)題庫下載題庫

28、Your heart beats at the rate of 70 times per minute, each beat pumping about 60 cm3 of fluid against a pressure of 120 mmHg. How much expansion work does the heart do in a day? (Note: The heart work does much more work than this. The heart muscles are contracting, the blood is accelerated, and there are frictional losses and other factors involved.)
(A) 9.68X101 J
(B) 9.68x102 J
(C) 9.68x103 J
(D) 9.68x104 J

難度: 計算中
高昇賢 小三上 (2017/02/26)

1atm = 760 mmHg、1atm·L = 101.39J

Wday = P△V = (120/760)atm×(60/1000)101.39J/atm·L×70次/min×60min/hr×24hr/day

         = 96822J = 9.68×104 J/day

28、Your heart beats at the rate of 70 ti..-阿摩線上測驗