
III. Cloze 
   Why do the songs I heard when I was teenager sound sweeter than anything I listen to 26 an adult? I’m happy to report that my own failures of discernment as a music critic may not be entirely 27 . In recent years, psychologists and neuroscientists have confirmed that these songs hold disproportionate power over our emotions. And researchers have uncovered evidence that suggests our brains bind us to the music we heard as teenagers more tightly than anything we’ll hear as adults—a connection that doesn’t weaken as we age. Musical nostalgia, 28 , isn’t just a cultural phenomenon: It’s a neurotic command. And no matter 29 sophisticated our tastes might otherwise grow to be, our brains may stay 30 on those songs we obsessed over during the high drama of adolescence.
 (Stern, M. J. (2014, Aug 12). Neutral nostalgia. Slate. Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/08/musical_nostalgia_the_psychology_and_neuroscience_for_song_prefere nce_and.html)

(A) blame
(B) blamed
(C) blaming
(D) to blame

難度: 非常困難
小多 國三下 (2016/04/02)
中教英文Celine 小四下 (2022/06/29)

有查到 「not entirely to blame 不是罪魁禍首」

The media, however, are not entirely to blame. (The Guardian)
Palmer was not entirely to blame for the loss.   (New York Times)


III. Cloze    Why do the songs I heard w..-阿摩線上測驗