

        If you want to see a roomful of people roll their eyes, just walk into a gathering of astronomers and shout, “Mayan apocalypse!” For years now, the idea that the earth will be destroyed in a terrible cataclysm on Dec. 21, 2012, has been bouncing around the internet and showing up in articles, books and even movies. But despite what the tinfoil-hat crowd insists, an asteroid is not about to hit the earth. Neither is there an imaginary planet called Nibiru. Our world isn’t going to be abruptly flipped upside down like a burger on a griddle. What’s more, Mayan astrologers never said any of that stuff would actually happen. Yes, the Maya had what’s known as a Long Count calendar, and yes, that calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012. But the nice thing about calendars, including the one the Maya used, is that they always start over again from zero. All the same, some folks at NASA are worried—not about the end of the world but about the harm all the loose talk may be doing. “I get a tremendous number of e-mails about it,” says a scientist at the NASA. “A large fraction are from people asking if the world will end. A few even talk about suicide.” In an attempt to stop the hysteria, NASA convened a Google+ hangout during which people could ask astronomers anything they wanted to about the rumors. For nearly an hour, the scientists soothed nerves, patiently explaining, for example, that an asteroid en route to earth would have been spotted by telescopes long ago and that Nibiru, if it existed, would now be the brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon.

【題組】39. According to this passage, what can one be positively sure about a Long Count calendar?
(A) It only existed in Central America.
(B) It covers a time span much longer than a year.
(C) It was used to predict the catastrophes, especial the ultimate one.
(D) It has an expiration date.
(E) This kind of calendars were popular in all ancient cultures.

難度: 適中
smileching 大二上 (2020/05/11)
But the nice thing a☆☆☆☆ ...

QQ饅頭 大一下 (2023/02/24)

What’s more, Mayan astrologers never said any of that stuff would actually happen. Yes, the Maya had what’s known as a Long Count calendar, and yes, that calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012.


美味漢堡 高三下 (2024/05/31)
(D)它有截止日 -> 錯誤
"they always start over again from zero" 表示這曆法是有週期性的
Long Count Calender (長紀曆)又稱馬雅曆,計算週期約5126年(從西元前3114年8月11日起算到2012年12月21日是一個週期)

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