
五、閱讀測驗 You scratch your head and a shower of white flakes descends before your eyes. Is it snowing? Sadly, it’s not. You’ve just got dandruff, and a quick look down at your shoulders, which by now is like a field covered with “snow,” shows you just how bad the problem is. You quickly brush off the flakes of dead skin and pray that no one has noticed, because, despite the fact that over 50% of people suffer from the complaint, dandruff can be embarrassing. The basic cause of dandruff is simple and unavoidable: your skin is constantly renewing itself. As skin cells get older, they get pushed outward, and then they eventually die and flake off. With most people, these flakes are usually too small to be noticeable. For dandruff sufferers, however, skin cells are shed very quickly, or bind together to form large flakes. A number of factors can cause this to happen. Eating certain types of sugary food, frequent exposure to extreme heat or cold, sweating, and allergic reactions to hair products are all thought to trigger dandruff. But the condition’s main cause is a fungus which grows on your scalp. For those likely to suffer from an attack of the problem flakes, this fungus grows quickly and, apart from causing dandruff, can leave your skin itchy and red. Help is at hand, though, in the form of specially medicated anti-dandruff shampoos. Chemicals in these shampoos help remove dead skin cells and treat the flake-forming fungus. They won’t cure you of dandruff completely, but they should make personal snowstorms a thing of the past.
【題組】79. What is the method suggested in the article for dealing with the dandruff problem?
(A) Having a balanced diet.
(B)Stop scratching your scalp.
(C)Using medicated shampoos.
(D) Don’t do exercise that causes sweating.

難度: 簡單
unseen blade 國二下 (2016/11/21)

(頭屑,頭皮屑):又稱「scurf」「cradle cap」「pityriasis capitis」「seborrhea sicca」(乾性皮脂溢);頭皮所產生的乾涸灰白色的皮膚鱗片,死亡表皮組織的自然脫落,通常是一種正常無害現象,一種輕微的皮膚炎,原因是皮脂腺過度工作,也可能因為黴菌感染而產生更多的頭皮屑,例如皮脂溢皮膚炎(seborrheic dermatitis)、Pitrosporum ovale (黴菌);治療包括使用去頭屑洗髮精(dandruff shampoo)、抗黴菌洗髮精。

五、閱讀測驗 You scratch your head and a show..-阿摩線上測驗