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Passage two When most people think of Latin American oil, their thoughts turn to Venezuela and Mexico. But production by Petroleos de Venezuela, or PdVSA, and Petroleos Mexicanos,or Pemex, remains largely domestic and their output stagnant or falling. Brazil cannot compete with Venezuela or Mexico in terms of reserves, but Petrobras may soon surpass PdVSA to become the second-largest company behind Pemex in production. Petrobras, which remains 55.7 percent state-owned, is investing its rush of profit to bolster output to 2.5 million barrels of oil a day by 2010,up from an average of 1.9 million this year. Its production last year led to net sales of $45.22 billion and a net profit of $10.02 billion, a 50 percent increase from net profit of $6.69 billion in 2004. That puts it on a much stronger financial footing than both PdVSA and Pemex, which lost money last year. The rapid production gains reflect Petrobras,s success in developing new deep-sea drilling techniques, enabling it to pump farther from shore than other producers and increase its output more quickly than any other company in Latin America. The techniques, similar to those later developed by giants like Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron, enabled Petrobras to pump oil from depths once thought inaccessible and helped Brazil to attain long-sought self-sufficiency in oil production early this year. In the 1980,s,foreign activities by Petrobras were once aimed at negotiating imports, as the company traded machinery and agricultural products for oil from the Middle East. But now, the company is focused on developing deepwater fields abroad.
【題組】44. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron developed deep-sea drilling techniques after Petrobras did.
(B) Petrobras exported much oil in the 1980,s.
(C) Petrobras used to manufacture machinery and agricultural products.
(D) Petrobras modeled its deep-sea drilling techniques after those of Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron.
(E) Not until early this year could Brazil provide itself sufficiently with oil it produced.

難度: 非常困難
阿明 大二下 (2016/11/13)


【站僕】摩檸Morning 國三下 (2016/11/15)
【站僕】摩檸Morning 國三下 (2016/11/15)

Passage two When most people think of Latin American oil, their thoughts turn to Venezuela and Mexico. But production by Petroleos de Venezuela, or PdVSA, and Petroleos Mexicanos,or Pemex, remains largely domestic and their output stagnant or falling. Brazil cannot compete with Venezuela or Mexico in terms of reserves, but Petrobras may soon surpass PdVSA to become the second-largest company behind Pemex in production. Petrobras, which remains 55.7 percent state-owned, is investing its rush of profit to bolster output to 2.5 million barrels of oil a day by 2010,up from an average o...

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