
Reading3 The most popular event in the world is probably the World Cup, and it is certainly in first place among sports competitions. This soccer toumament features the top 32 teams in the world, and is held once every four years. The World Cup is uniquebecause soccer is unique. It is played everywhere. And this is the sport that inflames ethnic tension and sparks national pride more than any other docs. Soccer is an outlet for the feelings, tensions and desires of groups, whether they be tribal, regional or national. The battles beteen teams from different parts of one country-the northwest and south of England, for example-can be just as bitter and divisive as those between rival countries. However, an entire nation will put aside its intenal differences and cheer for its national team. All the energy produced by the public,passionate fans and casual viewers alike, causes the World Cup to be a singularly exciting event. Amazingly,715.1 million people watched the championship match in the last tournament in 2006, even though most of them didn’t come from the two countries playing in that final, Italy and France.
【題組】35. What was remarkable about the large audience for the World Cup final in 2006?
(A) It was made up of the 715.1 million people in Italy and France.
(B) It was mostly made up of non-French and non-Italians.
(C) It was the biggest audience to ever watch a television event.
(D) The audience members were all cheering for one team or the other.

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