
Reading 4 DNA technology, the science of identifying people from their genetic codes, has made a profound difference in the prosecution of crimes. In the past, a man could be found guilty of a violent crime like murder or attempted murder on the basis of eyewitness testimony. However it has been known for years that this is not a reliable form of evidence.For example, three different people who watch a car accident will often have three versions of what happened, none of which agree, James Bain of Florida understands this all too well. In 1974, he was sentenced to life in prison after a boy who was assaulted said that his attacker had large sideburns on his face and a mustache. This fitted Bain, who had been a student at the boy’s school. There was on clear evidence showing Bain was guilty. Now, a DNA test on the evidence at the trial has proven that Bain was not involved. After 35 years in jail and several previously unsuccessful appeals for DNA testing Bain was released in 2009.
【題組】37. Why is DNA technology important criminal cases?
(A) It can provide fingerprints of people who committed crimes.
(B) It can identify who committed a crime by showing what they looked like.
(C) It can identify the genes of the people who were not present at a crime.
(D) It can. identify the genes of the people who were at the scene of a crime.

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一階過了~準備畢業二階 大一下 (2020/06/15)

Now, a DNA test on the evidence at the trial has proven that Bain was not involved.


Reading 4 DNA technology, the science..-阿摩線上測驗