
請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: Britain’s second-largest city, Birmingham, has a new skyline-only it belongs to its Alabama namesake. Birmingham City Council distributed 720,000 leaflets that praised residents for exceeding recycling targets, carrying a message that read: “Thank You Birmingham.” The message appeared stamped across a photograph of the city’s skyline. But the photo was not of Birmingham, England, but of Birmingham, Alabama. It’s the second time British officials have mistakenly used images of Birmingham, Alabama. Three lawmakers who represent Birmingham at the European Parliament accidentally used a picture of the U.S. city on their Internet site in January. “I would have thought the council would take more care,” said Birmingham resident Jon Cooper. “I can’t believe no one at the town hall noticed.” Britain’s Birmingham is famed for its modernist Bullring shopping mall, with its distinctive metallic curved exterior, and an extensive network of canals, churches, and historical buildings. The Alabama city’s skyline includes the Wachovia Tower, University of Alabama buildings, and skyscrapers. Officials said the wrong image was selected from an Internet photo archive. “It’s human error,” said Birmingham City Council spokesman, Kris Kowalewski. “We accept that the wrong photo was used, but the text and detail contained in the leaflet is wholly correct.” In Alabama, the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce didn’t immediately respond to calls for comment.
【題組】50 Which of the following about the spokesman of Birmingham City Council in Britain is true?
(A) He did not respond to the report.
(B) He wasn’t informed that a mistake was made.
(C) He represented Birmingham at the European Parliament.
(D) He said that the text in the leaflet was completely correct.

難度: 適中
閃亮亮 大三上 (2018/05/17)
英國第二大城市伯明翰擁有新的天際線 - ...


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: Britain’s second-l..-阿摩線上測驗