
76. Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). The morphological similarities of these two species must therefore be due to ______.
(A) inheritance of acquired characteristics
(B) sexual selection
(C) inheritance of shared derived characters
(D) convergent evolution
(E) punctuated equilibrium

難度: 簡單
艾爾 大四上 (2021/07/01)

41. The process b☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

NAlexE 大二上 (2024/03/07)
30.下列何者為趨同演化 (convergent evolution) 的例子? (A) the exoskeleton of a spider and the exoskeleton of an insect (B) the digging front legs of a mole and the digging front legs of a mole cricket (C) the wings of a monarch butterfly and the wings of a luna moth (D) the tadpole stage of a frog and the tadpole stage of a salamander (E) the stinging hairs of a sea anemone and the stinging hairs of a jellyfish 高醫 後醫 生物 90   Members of two different species possess a similar-looking structure that they use in a similar fashion to perform the same function. Which information would b...

76. Some molecular data place the giant ..-阿摩線上測驗