四、閱讀測驗:請依據文章內容,選出最適當的答案。 Passage 1: Que..-阿摩線上測驗
2F R-Chi 國三上 (2021/05/13)
詳解與答案不一致.... 應該是根據以下題幹,來判斷答案是D In general, the minimum number of hours is six. To identify your ideal time for lights-out, sleep experts suggest that you count backwards about seven and a half hours from your required wake-up time. “If you wake up five minutes before your alarm goes off, you’ve nailed it.” By the same token, if you rise feeling refreshed, you’re right on the money. If not, you’re probably sleep-deprived, |
3F 時間在倒數 大一上 (2022/03/04)
題目條件 方法 判定方式 To identify your ideal time for lights-out, sleep experts suggest that you count backwards about seven and a half hours from your required wake-up time. “If you wake up five minutes before your alarm goes off, you’ve nailed it.” By the same token, if you rise feeling refreshed, you’re right on the money. 為了確定您理想的熄燈時間,睡眠專家建議您從所需的起床時間開始倒數大約七個半小時。 “如果你在鬧鐘響起前五分鐘醒來,你就成功了。” 同樣的道理,如果你感覺神清氣爽,那你就對了。 |