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  Until World War II, a serious spinal cord injury (SCI) usually meant certain death. Anyone who survived such injury relied on a wheelchair for mobility in a world with few accommodations and faced an ongoing struggle to survive secondary complications such as breathing problems, blood clots, kidney failure, and pressure sores. By the middle of the twentieth century, new antibiotics and novel approaches to preventing and treating bed sores and urinary tract infections revolutionized care after spinal cord injury. This greatly expanded life expectancy and required new strategies to maintain the health of people living with chronic paralysis. New standards of care for treating spinal cord injuries were established: reposition the spine, fix the bones in place to prevent further damage, and rehabilitate disabilities with exercise. 
  The largest proportion of spinal cord injuries (36.5 percent) occurs during car accidents; more than a quarter is the result of falls; and the rest are due to acts of violence (primarily gunshot wounds), sporting accidents, and other less common causes. According to reports, the cost of managing the care of spinal cord injury patients is $3 billion each year, but the average age at injury is 42.6 years, and eighty percent are male. 
  Today, improved emergency care for people with spinal cord injuries, antibiotics to treat infections, and aggressive rehabilitation can minimize damage to the nervous system and restore function to varying degrees. Advances in research are giving doctors and people living with SCI hope that spinal cord injuries will eventually be repairable. With new surgical techniques and developments in spinal nerve regeneration, cell replacement, neuroprotection, and neurorehabilitation, the future for spinal cord injury survivors looks brighter than ever.

【題組】47. According to the essay above, which answer is correct?
(A) Scientists expect further development of spinal nerve regeneration in the future.
(B) Most spinal injured survivors are female.
(C) Doctors and scientists have found a solution for serious spinal cord injury.
(D) Women would get injured easily.
(E) Repositioning the spine remains the most difficult problem.

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  Until World War II, a serious spinal c..-阿摩線上測驗