

A strong, healthy body can do an amazing job of resisting disease. There are many things you can do to keep your body healthy. Eating proper foods is one of the effective ways. A balanced diet gives the body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Getting plenty of sleep is another good way. A tired, run-down body does not function efficiently and is like a car that needs a tune-up. Sleep refreshes the body and restores the energy necessary to fight disease. Exercise is also important in reducing stress and keeping the body healthy. Regular, moderate exercise, such as running, dancing, swimming, biking or playing a sport, will relieve muscle tension, keep the muscles firm, and make the heart and blood vessels healthy. Exercise, like sleep, makes the body function more efficiently. People who exercise regularly can even strengthen their hearts.
【題組】50. The underlined word it most likely refers to .
(A) the disease
(B) the body
(C) a balanced diet
(D) an amazing job

難度: 適中
water 大一上 (2017/03/04)
畫底線的單字 it  最有可能指的是A ★★...


A strong, healthy body can do an amazing..-阿摩線上測驗