
Ben Carson, a doctor at Johns Hopkins Children’s center, talks about how he grew up in a poor Detroit Neighborhood, when peer (同龄人) pressure almost controlled his behavior and even his clothes. He wanted so badly to be considered cool that he begged his mother to buy him an expensive Italian shirt. “My mother made me a deal,” Carson remembers, “She said, ‘I’ll give you all the money I make next week. You’ll be in charge of the family finance (财务)—buying food and other necessities and paying the bills. Whatever you have left over you can spend on whatever you want.’” “I thought, this is going to be great,” Carson says, “I bought things we needed most and then began going through the bills. Of course I ran completely out of money long before everything was paid.” Then I realized my mother, with her third-grade education, was a financial genius (理财能手)—just to keep food on our table and clothes on our backs with such a small sum of money. I’d been a fool. I wanted her to buy me a $75 shirt when she only took home $100 a week, cleaning other people’s floors and washing their toilets. I took a hard look at my behavior and wondered how I could be so selfish.” “I started studying again. My grades went back up to A’s. Some of my peers laughed at me because I did not follow their pattern. But I refused to let that trouble me, because I had a goal.” The experience had a lasting effect, “I not only saw and felt the difference my mother made in my life, I am living out that difference as a man.”
【題組】61. Ben Carson’s story tells us that ______.
(A) a boy should not learn from his peers
(B) he didn’t understand his mother as a boy
(C) what his mother taught him has changed his life
(D) people with little education may become a genius

Ben Carson, a doctor at Johns Hopkins Ch..-阿摩線上測驗