
C. 96-100 題
        The decision to purchase fake art, even when individuals are aware of its inauthenticity, can be driven by various psychological factors. One significant factor is the human tendency to compare themselves to others and seek social status. Owning art, whether genuine or counterfeit, can be a way to signal wealth, cultural refinement, and a sense of belonging to a certain social group. It allows individuals to create an impression of sophistication and taste, particularly in professional or social circles where art appreciation is valued. 
       Additionally, cognitive dissonance, the mental discomfort arising from conflicting beliefs and actions, plays a role. When faced with the ethical dilemma of buying a fake, individuals 5 might rationalize their purchase by downplaying the ethical implications or emphasizing the positive aspects, such as affordability or aesthetic appeal. In some cases, buyers might even convince themselves that the fake artwork is actually real, engaging in self-deception to avoid feelings of guilt or shame.
       For some, owning a fake artwork can be seen as a stepping stone towards owning the real thing someday, allowing them to feel closer to their aspirations and project an image of the person they want to become. It provides a sense of accomplishment, satisfying their desire to own a piece of art without the financial burden. 
       Interestingly, a small subset of individuals might find a thrill in the deception itself. It can be seen as a form of rebellion against the established art market and its perceived elitism, challenging the norms and values associated with authenticity and ownership. Furthermore, some buyers might enjoy the challenge of finding high-quality fakes that are difficult to distinguish from the real thing, viewing it as a game of skill and knowledge.
        It is crucial to recognize that these psychological factors often operate subconsciously and can vary significantly between individuals. Understanding these motivations can shed light on the complex reasons why people engage in the ethically questionable practice of buying fake art, revealing the intricate interplay between social, cognitive, and emotional factors that shape human behavior.

【題組】96. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) It presents some psychological factors for purchasing fake art.
(B) It argues that purchasing fake art can be attributed to mental problems.
(C)It reasons with purchasers of fake art, urging them to realize their diseases.
(D) It illustrates how our behaviors, such as purchasing fake art, are manipulated.

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C. 96-100 題        The decision to purch..-阿摩線上測驗