

Comic book collectors who are serious (like me) are known as “hard-core” collectors. There are, so one hobby magazine recently stated, tens of thousand of ordinary collectors, but only a few thousand hard-core ones. And for us, the problem is not just collecting—but keeping. Comic books were printed on very cheap paper using terrible techniques of production. Put a valuable comic book in the sun, and it may be ruined in a matter of hours. Store it improperly in a damp place, and it may be ruined in a matter of months or a few years. The answer is store them properly and thus save your collection. Like most collectors, you probably have a large number of run-of-the-mill comics. Place these on edge (never flat) in acid-free millboard boxes. When putting them in the box, take special care of the corners. Nothing protects the edges from bending, so put them in carefully. After packing every group of 10 or 15 comics, insert a piece of acid-free millboard. These supports will keep the comics from sagging. Bags are not necessary for these comics. Stack the books in a dark, cool place with relatively low humidity. For your more valuable comics, an extra precaution is necessary. Place the valuable ones in three mil Mylar snugs before putting them in an acid-free box. These snugs are inert polyester bags that will last hundreds of years without decomposing. Normal polyethylene bags last only five years. When putting comics in the bags, again be careful of the edges and corners, since the corner bend easily. Mylar is quite stiff and holds the comic in a vise-like grip. This is beneficial if the comic is flat and straight in the bag, but detrimental if the corners are allowed to remain folded. Use a popsicle stick or some other blunt, flat instrument to push the corner down after the comic is in the bag.
【題組】49. According to the author, what is an important factor to keep comic books?
(A) fresh air.
(B) high temperature.
(C) bright light.
(D) low humidity.

難度: 非常簡單
十萬伏特 高三下 (2017/05/14)

“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2019/08/09)

認真的漫畫書收藏家(像我一樣)被稱為“硬核”收藏家。 最近有一本愛好雜誌說,有數以萬名計的普通收藏家,但只有幾千名硬核收藏家。 對我們來說,問題不僅僅是收集 - 而是保持。 使用可怕的製作技術在非常便宜的紙上印刷漫畫書。 把一本有價值的漫畫書放在陽光下,它可能會在幾個小時內毀掉。 不適當地存放在潮濕的地方,可能會在幾個月或幾年內毀壞。 答案是正確存儲它們,從而保存您的收藏。

像大多數收藏家一樣,你可能擁有大量普通的漫畫。 將它們放在無酸壓榨板箱的邊緣(從不平坦)。 將它們放入盒子時,請特別注意角落。 沒有什麼可以保護邊緣不會彎曲,所以要小心地放置它們。 包裝好每組10或15個漫畫後,插入一塊無酸的壓榨板。 這些支...


Comic book collectors who are serious (l..-阿摩線上測驗