Did you know language can influence the way we see the world? Different cultures interpret reality differently 131 their mother tongues. Australian Aborigines barely get lost because they always see an object’s position in absolute 132 —“north” and “south” rather than “left” or “right.” In southwest Africa, the Himba people have no word for blue. When shown a picture of green squares with one blue square, they had trouble 133which square was different. Yet, they have different words for different shades of green. So 134 an English speaker may see only a green grassy field, the Himba people see various colors. Attitudes toward gender are another example. Many languages 135 speakers to state peoples’ genders. A study showed that such countries have fewer working women compared to countries whose languages have no gender distinction.
(A) tell
(B) telling
(C) to tell
(D) and told