
Facts are pieces of information we know to be true. When we read history, we want to know the facts—what really happened. Fiction is the _____42_____ . Writers of fiction _____43_____ stories, telling of people and events that _____44_____ the writer’s imagination. Science fiction writers imagine _____45_____ people and events but, perhaps most importantly, technology. They often write about the effects of that technology on a person, a group, or society. These writers usually set their stories in the future. Some of them have predicted technology that seemed _____46_____ at the time but really does exist today.
(A) take in
(B) get out
(C) come from
(D) arrive at

難度: 非常簡單
Carol Hsueh 高二上 (2013/08/30)

Facts are pieces of information we know ..-阿摩線上測驗