

For about US$50, a cheap, acceptable hotel room can be found in most countries. In some countries, you may even be able to pay less. If you are traveling on a tight budget, another option is a boarding house. They are normally found in abundance near bus and railway stations. In some towns with a high number of tourists, it is common for families to rent rooms to visitors. Both these options are difficult to book in advance. However you can easily find out about them at the local bus or railway station when you arrive at your destination, if you are not immediately inundated with offers the minute you step off your bus. Although traveling this way does not provide the security of knowing exactly where you will next spend the night, it does have the advantage of giving you an experience with the local culture that most motels and hotels cannot provide. Good inexpensive hotels can be found in most cities away from the airport, tourist areas, and central business districts. There are often great seasonal variations in hotel prices at resorts. Remember, cheaper hotels do not always supply soap, towels, and toilet paper, so carry these items with you. By going online, it’s a simple matter to find a hotel within your price range in practically any city in the world. Most sites also include customer reviews, an especially important feature when booking budget-priced accommodations. In addition, most hotels and motels offer discounts to travelers making their reservations online.
【題組】73 What, according to the passage, may be a good way to closely experience the local culture?
(A)Find the hotel after you arrive at a place.
(B)Go traveling at the right season.
(C)Stay away from business districts.
(D)Make on-line booking.

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For about US$50, a cheap, acceptable hot..-阿摩線上測驗