
For many people, having a cup of coffee right out of bed is the best way to start a day. But a report from Asap Science says otherwise. It says the worst time for coffee is soon after we get up. When we wake up, our bodies start to make cortisol. Cortisol helps us to think clearly and be quick to understand and act. The cortisol levels rise after we wake up and climb to the highest in about an hour. So there are two problems when we drink coffee during this time: (1) our bodies will make less cortisol, and (2) the cortisol will make coffee less useful. And that’s why some of us drink more and more coffee. Then, when’s the best time to have coffee? When the cortisol levels are going down, the report says. Cortisol levels are usually highest between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., between noon and 1 p.m., and between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. So if you want to have coffee, enjoy it after these times, and this popular drink will help you the most.
【題組】32. Four people read the news and wrote what they thought about it. 
What did they think about the news?
(A) They wanted to try what it said.
(B) They were sad about what it said.
(C) They did not agree with what it said.
(D) They were not surprised at what it said. 

難度: 簡單
bi 小一下 (2020/04/25)

高脆 高三下 (2019/05/30)



For many people, having a cup of coffee ..-阿摩線上測驗