【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


II. Cloze No one denies that the 1.5 billion passengers on flights worldwide every year breathe cleaner air since smoking bans started in 1990. But complaints from passengers and flight attendants of headaches, other health ailments and odors linked to the air on_ 63_. have piled up for years, drawing attention fromCongress and air-quality experts. _ 64_. the concerns, it is anyone's guess how often there's an "air quality event" when the air becomes tainted with dangerous contaminants such as ozone, engine fluids or carbon monoxide. It's also anyone's guess whether cabin air pressure — thin air equivalent to that found on an 8,000-foot mountaintop — is healthful. That air pressure provides about 74% of the oxygen available at sea level. Why is it anyone's guess? Because no one regularly tests the air on passenger planes despite decades of calls for monitoring. The Federal Aviation Administration doesn't plan to start testing until 2006 at the_ 65_. Patience is _66_. thin. Congress, which has been requesting cabin air monitoring since 1989, has asked the General Accounting Office to investigate the FAA's failure to act. The GAO report is expected in late October.
(A) Despite
(B) Following
(C) Regarding
(D) With

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II. Cloze No one denies that the 1.5 bi..-阿摩線上測驗