
III. Passage Completion (20%)
(A) It seems like any run-of-the-mill Facebook status update. But what its poster, Matt Guthmiller, is attempting is not 41 at all. The 19-year-old is on a solo flight that he hopes will take him around the world. If he completes it, he will become the youngest American ever to do so. The "9 hours down" refers to the time it took the MIT freshman to fly Saturday from El Cajon, California, to Aberdeen, South Dakota, the first 42 of his odyssey. The "150 to go" 43 the remaining hours he plans to fly over the next six weeks on a plan that will take the South Dakota native through Athens, Greece; Cairo; Bangkok, Thailand; Honolulu, Hawaii, and more. "Setting a record is exciting, but records are made to be broken," Guthmiller said on a website 44 to the voyage. "My real goal is to inspire other young people to attempt things of a similar 45 . That's what I hope to accomplish with this flight." If 46 , Guthmiller will replace Jack Wiegand of Fresno, California, as the youngest American pilot to circumnavigate the globe alone. In June 2013, Wiegand accomplished the feat at 21, according to Guinness World Records. On Wednesday, Guthmiller plans to fly from Teterboro, New Jersey, just outside of New York City to St. John's in Newfoundland, Canada according to the flight 47 he posted. It will be his final stop in North America until a planned touchdown in Hawaii more than a month later. If all goes as 48 , Guthmiller will 49 his 1981 prop powered Beechcraft Bonanza back in Aberdeen on July 12 --- just 42 days after beginning the trip. According to Guthmiller, the single-engine plane, which normally 50 six, has a range of 2,800 nautical miles, can reach a speed of 175 knots, and has a maximum cruising altitude of 11,500 feet.
(C) magnitude
(E) land (AB) marks (AC) leg (AD) planned (AE) dedicated (BC) itinerary


難度: 簡單
哈哈哈 高三下 (2018/03/11)

run-of-the-mill 普普通通的;平淡無奇的;乏味的

 Cairo 開羅

Honolulu 火奴魯魯(夏威夷州首都;檀香山)

circumnavigate 環航

touchdown 觸地, 著地, 觸地得分

nautical 海上的, 船員的, 航海的

knot 【海】節(速度單位,1節 = 1海里/小時)

 altitude 高, 高度; 高處, 高地; 海拔; 頂垂線, 高線

III. Passage Completion (20%) (A) It ..-阿摩線上測驗