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III. Reading comprehension 12% In the old days, the concept of “finishing school” was common in the European society. It was a tradition that parents ofhigher classes send their daughters to finishing schools for a complete education. Ladies were expected to be well-trained insocial grace, including social etiquette, dancing, housekeeping, ball-hosting and many more. Since the gracefulness may decidewho a girl may marry, the school is thought to be the final and important stage for a lady to go through on top of her highesteducation, thus the term “finishing school.’ It was thought to be a preparation for adulthood and successful marriage life.Switzerland once hosted some of the most prestigious finishing schools, where many of the British royal members, includinglate Princess Diana, were trained. However, ever since the twentieth century, parents grew more reluctant to send theirdaughters in for such education. Many finishing schools closed down, and only a handful of them strive to maintain theirsystem. Against all odds, those who survived have found a new window to their business as in recent years there have been acomeback in its enrollment. The target clients are business women, women of business descendants, lawyers, hotel managersand many who have special interest to promote personal value. Instead of pleasing a future husband, these people aim to pleasetheir clients and improve their career. Social etiquette stays as the main focus, and it is believed that if a client sees howtactfully you manage your life, they would trust you for how carefully you manage your deal. In the present day, finishingschools may thus be titled alternatively “etiquette schools.” It has proven to be successful and the booking of the courses maybe full three months beforehand.
【題組】24. What may be the purpose of the women attending finishing schools today?
(A) To find possible partners in the same school.
(B) To taste the traditional life of British royal family.
(C) To find a husband who appreciates personal etiquette.
(D) To impress their clients or business partners.

難度: 適中
Justine Hsu(上 大二上 (2020/04/17)
文中提到:"Instead of ple☆☆☆☆☆ ☆ ...


III. Reading comprehension 12% In the ol..-阿摩線上測驗