
IV. Reading Cloze: Select the best answer to complete the texts.
Passage 1
        The butterfly effect is a hallmark of chaotic systems. Simple systems are described by linearequations 31 , for example, increasing a cause produces a proportional increase in an effect. 32 ,chaotic systems are described by nonlinear equations, which allow for subtler and more intricateinteractions. For example, the economy is nonlinear because a rise in interest rates does not automatically produce a corresponding change in consumer spending. Weather is nonlinear 33 a change in the wind speed in one location does not automatically produce a corresponding change in another location.
            34 their name, chaotic systems are not necessarily random. In fact, many chaotic systemshave a kind of underlying order that explains the general features of their behavior 35 details at any particular moment remain unpredictable. In a sense, many chaotic systems--like the weather--are "predictably unpredictable." Our understanding of chaotic systems is increasing at a tremendous rate, butmuch remains to be learned about them.

(A) Regarding
(B) Despite
(C) Because
(D) Due to

難度: 適中

倒數 4天 ,已有 2 則答案
Lulu 大二上 (2022/01/24):
Despite 是儘管,所以這句意思是儘管它的名字…..
(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 大三上 (2024/02/07):
"Despite" 是一個常用的介系詞,用來表示儘管某事存在,但仍然發生了另一件事情,即表達對比或相反的情況。這個詞通常用在句子的開頭或中間,接著跟著與之相反的情況或條件。以下是一些使用 "despite" 的例句:
1. **儘管**下雨了,我們仍然去了郊外野餐。
2. **儘管**努力了很多年,他仍然沒有實現自己的夢想。
3. **儘管**他健康狀況不佳,但他仍然繼續工作。
這些句子中,"despite" 強調了一個相反或對比的情況,並且指出儘管某個條件存在,另一件事情仍然發生了。

IV. Reading Cloze: Select the best answe..-阿摩線上測驗