
If there’s any song that doesn’t need an introduction, it’s got to be this one. Imagine is famous the world over as an anthem for peace, embodying the spirit of harmony that both John Lennon and Yoko Ono promoted through their music and art. It is a basic message, asking for freedom from hunger, religion, and suffering. Imagine is still as relevant as ever, but it’s also clearly a product of its time. The song emerged fresh from the cultural upheaval of the 1960s, and was released in the midst of the Vietnam War, in 1971. Lennon, like many young people at the time, found the staggering loss of life in the war tragic and unnecessary. He vigorously advocated that there were always alternatives to conflict and violence and that it was unwise to blindly accept things the way they were. Aware of the influence Lennon could exert over his huge number of fans, the United States government felt extremely ill at ease about Lennon’s protests and agitations. It even attempted to deport Lennon from the country. The day John Lennon was assassinated, the world stood still. As journalist Peter Hamill remembered, “The telephones ringing, back and forth across the city…and then the dials being flipped from channel to channel. Yes. It was true. Somebody had murdered john Lennon…It made no sense, like a cruel trick. This was the guy who sang ‘Give peace a chance,’ shot down in cold blood…Not a politician. Not a man whose abstract ideas could send people to wars; not someone could marshal millions of human beings in the name of justice; not some actor on the stage of history. This time, the object of attack was a man who had made art, someone who had made us laugh, who had taught young people how to feel, who had helped change and shape an entire generation from inside out. This time someone had murdered a song.” Of all the songs that were murdered along with John Lennon, none is more relevant at this moment than his anthem that has changed the world, Imagine. Just take a look at the Imagine Tower in Iceland or the John Lennon Wall in Prague to see the lasting impact this song has had worldwide and across generations. It is gorgeous, profound, and transcendent, and will remain many people’s fondest memory of John Lennon.
【題組】40. According to the third paragraph, what distinguishes John Lennon’s death from that of a politician?
(A) A politician is an actor, while Lennon was an artist.
(B) A politician fights for justice, while Lennon gave peace a chance.
(C) A politician could be held accountable for war, while Lennon was innocent.
(D) A politician makes the world go round, while Lennon made the world stand still.

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If there’s any song that doesn’t need an..-阿摩線上測驗