
In English-speaking cultures, the choice of first names for children can be prompted by many factors: tradition, religion, nature, culture, and fashion, to name just a few. Certain people like to give a name that has been handed down in the family to show 31 for or to remember a relative whom they love or admire. Some families have a tradition of 32 the father’s first name to the first born son. In other families, a surname is included in the selection of a child’s given name to 33 a family surname going. It may be the mother’s maiden name, for instance. For a long time, 34 has also played an important role in naming children. Boys’ names such as John, Peter, and Thomas are chosen from the Bible. Girls’ names such as Faith, Patience, and Sophie (wisdom) are chosen because they symbolize Christian qualities. However, for people who are not necessarily religious but are fond of nature, names 35 things of beauty are often favored. Flower and plant names like Heather, Rosemary, and Iris 36 this category. Another factor that has had a great 37 on the choice of names is the spread of culture through the media. People may choose a name because they are strongly 38 a character in a book or a television series; they may also adopt names of famous people or their favorite actors and actresses. Sometimes, people pick foreign names for their children because those names are unusual and will thus make their children more 39 and distinctive. Finally, some people just pick a name the sound of which they like, 40 of its meaning, its origins, or its popularity. However, even these people may look at the calendar to pick a lucky day when they make their choice.
(A) passing down
(B) regardless
(C) religion
(D) respect
(E) unique

難度: 非常簡單
林慎貴 高二下 (2016/12/19)

unique adj. 獨一無二的。★★★★ ☆☆☆...

김민주 大四上 (2022/02/04)

make their children more ______ and distinctive,本句動詞make之後可接原形動詞或形容詞當受詞補語,由對等連接詞and可知本格的詞性應與distinctive相同,為形容詞,選(J) unique,表示有些人選擇不常見的外國名,如此可讓孩子更獨特。

In English-speaking cultures, the choice..-阿摩線上測驗