
In a study cited by TIME, 464 overweight women who did not exercise regularly were separated randomly into four groups. Three of the groups were asked to work _____21_____ a trainer for 6 months – for 72, 136, and 194 minutes weekly. Members of the fourth group were asked to maintain their regular _____22_____ . All groups were asked not to change their dietary habits. _____23_____ everyone lost weight, surprisingly, the women who worked with trainers didn’t lose much more weight than those who didn’t. Some of those women _____24_____ gained weight. Researchers theorize the women who exercised ended up eating more than they did before participating in the study. _____25_____ it on increased hunger or the nagging urge to reward ourselves after a tough workout. The sad fact is that most of us end up wasting our exercise efforts.

In a study cited by TIME, 464 overweight..-阿摩線上測驗