
Languages seem to be converging to a smaller number, as languages like English seem to eat up regional ones. The three languages used the most by first language speakers today are Mandarin Chinese, English, and Spanish. English is being used more and more as the main language for business, science, and popular culture. Evidence suggests that the dominant languages are squeezing out the local tongues of various regions in the world. Linguists estimate that of the approximately 6,500 languages worldwide, about half are endangered or on the brink of extinction. According to some linguists, the estimated rate of language extinction is one lost in the world every two weeks. If this sounds like the world is losing a species, in a way it is. When a language is lost, meaning no living person can teach another, a world perspective is lost. Some foreign language expressions simply cannot be translated. Colloquial phrases are pleasant to the ear, not only because they are familiar, but also because they reflect a unique aspect of a culture. Aboriginal languages in Canada and other countries such as Australia have words that reflect a way of life that is connected closely to the Earth. There are fifty different words that mean “snow” in one Canadian native language, and in the Eastern Arrernte language of Central Australia, the word nyimpe translates to “the smell of rain.” Languages are much like living creatures that become endangered when numbers dwindle. Local natural disasters, war, and famine are some of the reasons languages slip through the cracks of history. The language that bore the different daughter languages for the Eskimo and Inuit was almost wiped out after World War II. The mother language, Proto-Eskimo Aleut, was under siege when the Aleut people were forced to leave their land. Fortunately, some Proto-Eskimo Aleut, which originated 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, is still spoken. Languages also become endangered when they are not passed on to children or when a metropolitan language dominates over others.
【題組】75. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the passage?
(A) Since about half of the languages worldwide are endangered, languages seem to be converging to a smaller number.
(B) As languages like English seem to eat up regional ones, about half of the languages worldwide are on the brink of extinction.
(C) Approximately 6,500 languages worldwide are endangered.
(D) The three languages used the most by first language speakers today are Mandarin Chinese, English, and French.

難度: 適中
Johnson Kenny 小一上 (2014/05/07)
(A) about half of the languages worldwide are endangered (effect), "since" languages seem to be converging to a smaller number (cause). 

Languages seem to be converging to a sma..-阿摩線上測驗