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Mark’s sister, Jessie, is dating Byron, a young man who constantly treats her like dirt. He criticizes her and brings her down. He often keeps her waiting and never apologizes. Sometimes, he does not call her for days. Mark and every one else in the family have advised Jessie to break up with Byron. She refuses to do so. She is deeply in love with him. And she thinks that the power of love will change him. Mark does not think that will happen. In fact, he’s very worried about his sister.
【題組】42 According to this passage, Jessie is______ .
(A) unable to notice her problems with Byron
(B) not getting along very well with Mark
(C) capable of forgiving others
(D) dependent on her family

難度: 簡單
魚往上游 大三上 (2016/10/15)

unable [ʌnˋeb!]  無能的、不能的

get along (on) with:    和睦相處

capable[ˋkepəb!] 有能力的、有可能性的

forgive 原諒
 dependent [dɪˋpɛndənt] 依靠

相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/22)
According to this passage, Jessie is unable to notice her problems with Byron .

(A) unable to notice her problems with Byron (B) not getting along very well with Mark (C) capable of forgiving others (D) dependent on her family
   (A) 無法注意到她與拜倫之間的問題
   (B) 與馬克相處得不好
   (C) 能够原諒别人
   (D) 依賴家人

along [əˈlɒŋ] 與…一起 ; 沿著
get along 離開某地;過活;和睦相處
capable [ˋkepəb!] 有…的能力,能夠(做)
forgiving  [fɚˋgɪvɪŋ]  寬容的;容許失誤的
dependent  [dɪˋpɛndənt] 依靠的;依賴的   ...

Mark’s sister, Jessie, is dating Byron, ..-阿摩線上測驗