
On our first day’s driving on the Scottish island of Mull,my husband and I came to a stretch of water that we had to cross on a small ferry boat. The ferryman asked if we would_____waiting ten minutes while be transported a family of cows______the water to their summer pasture. This_____with the cows stuck in my mind as a ____of Mull,a place far removed from the hurried confusion of city life . For travelers in_____of a quiet, peaceful place, there can be few better ends. We ____the island to be a charming mix of mountains, castles and sandy beaches. One of the best days of our trip was ____we joined a nature tour of the ialand,and had the ____fortune to see a _____of rare cteatures, including red deer and golden eagles. But no visit to Mull is _____without a trip to the small island of Iona. Iona has great historical ____because it is the place where early Scottish kings were _____.Our first attempt to get to Iona had to be ____owing to the heavy rain which is ______characteristic of the island.It was another three days before we could get to Iona, but in the end it was well ______the wait and was the highlight of our trip.

On our first day’s driving on the Scotti..-阿摩線上測驗