
On the Chinese calendar, each year is marked by the symbol of an animal. It is the Year of the Sheep this year. A person born in a “sheep year” is said to share characteristics 1 to those of the sheep. According to some legends, the gods 2 all animals of the world for a visit to heaven. Only twelve accepted the offer; they were the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. To 3 the twelve, the gods expressed their gratitude by naming a year after each of their guests. The Chinese New Year holiday is a time when families and friends come together with a 4 for health, happiness and prosperity. On New Year’s Eve there is an old tradition. The whole family will gather around the table to eat and 5 each other’s company. Some families leave one chair 6 to represent a member who is absent from the dinner gathering. After dinner, the elders give children red envelopes containing money for good fortune and everyone 7 the coming of the New Year when it is midnight. The custom of waiting for the New Year to 8 is called shou shui, and children sleep late in the hope that their parents will 9 to a ripe old age. Celebration of the New Year 10 until the fifteenth day of the first month.
(A) advertise
(B) punish
(C) recall
(D) reward

On the Chinese calendar, each year is ma..-阿摩線上測驗