
One of the reasons the violin is diff icult to learn to play is that its f ingerboard contains no visual or tactile aids to help the beginner acquire competence in f ingering. 1 the guitar, for instance, the violin has no small metal bars or ridges to guide the f ingers. 2 , the novice must learn exact positions and literally feel his or her way from position to position up the f ingerboard of the instrument. That precise process is demanding and 3 to the novice, who must contort f ingers and arm into unnatural angles while pressing the 4 at the correct places and with enough force to get a clear tone. 5 the beginner is a hair off, the note will be sharp or f lat. Until the novice develops skill, many notes are 6 out of tune. Even when skill increases, the player may still sound off key 7 he or she has a good ear. Thus, not only 8 the novice suffer, he or she can also torture those listening, as many a stoic parent or sacrif icial sibling can aff irm.
(A) because
(B) only
(C) unless
(D) when

One of the reasons the violin is diff ic..-阿摩線上測驗