
Passage 2
        Insomnia is the inability to get high-quality sleep, which may cause fatigue during the day or even concentration problems. By trying one of the many strategies below, you’ll be taking the first step toward getting some much-needed rest. 
       Learning to be physically and mentally relaxed before going to bed will help you fall asleep more quickly. Some people find that taking a bath slows them down from the activity of the day. Other people benefit most from muscle relaxation techniques. Meditating with a focus on breathing, handling stress in a positive way, and exercising regularly may also induce a good night sleep. 
       Some foods can also help you sleep well. Foods such as chicken, milk, cheese, and beans contain tryptophan, a chemical that is converted in the brain to serotonin, which promotes relaxation and sleepiness. If you include foods high in tryptophan in your daily diet and incorporate some of the sleep-inducing activities into your life, the chances are good that you will achieve a pattern of restful, soothing sleep.

【題組】36. What does this passage mainly discuss?
(A) Insomnia may often result in fatigue during the day.
(B) Insomnia is the prerequisite of high-quality sleep.
(C) It is important to learn to be physically and mentally relaxed.
(D) There are different foods that can induce quality sleep.
(E) There are various strategies to deal with insomnia.

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Passage 2        Insomnia is the inabili..-阿摩線上測驗