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Passage B 
Loneliness always feels bad, but soltude offen feels and if there is a little of in __(29)__ , the balance can be its own source of sustenance. That's sorsething Sonie Rosenbloom __(30)__ in in her evocative, observant new book, Alone: Four Seasons, Four Cities, and the Pleasures Solitude, which was published in June and is really about heing alone - that is afer all, much of what ing alone means. Rosenbloom, a New York Timer travel columnist, recounts heriences as as a solo wanderer in Paris, Isanbul, Florence and her hometown of New York City, capturing the joy making a plan and heving the freedom not to stick to it. She also tackle great bugaboo of so many people: eating alone in public. In her view, itatinvitaltono __(31)__ all that's before you, wher that's food or a street view or both. She also notes that for women, cating alone is o s Fairly recent hard-won right(and is still unsceptable certain cultures), so they should dex Roserabloom recounts snooty jointst that were disappointing and modest __(32)__ that brought delight, and she doesn't scoff at Monald's: "You can learm a thing hing bwo about a city by observing the goings-on there." When she turns up at the one on the Champs-Elyses, she notices the invitation - SAVOUREZ - printed on her Filet-O-Fish container. "And I did."

(A) savor
(B) savage
(C) savvy
(D) save

Passage B  Loneliness always feels ..-阿摩線上測驗