全民英檢◆初級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)題庫下載題庫

Questions 16-20
       Terry had a one-week vacation, and she was very excited about it. She planned to visit her grandparents, who lived in the ___(16)___. On the first day of her vacation, Terry decided to ___(17)___ a train heading south to her grandparents' house. When she arrived, her grandparents ___(18)___ for her excitedly for hours. Terry hugged them, and they went into the house. 
     Terry and her grandparents had a great time during those days. They went to fun places ___(19)___ the museum, the riverside, and the beach. Terry came to love the time there. She couldn't help but imagine the life she would lead living there with her grandparents. She stayed ___(20)___ the very last minute because she didn't want to leave. Finally, she hugged her grandparents goodbye and went on her way back home.

(A) waited
(B) has waited
(C) had waiting
(D) had been waiting

難度: 困難

倒數 16時 ,已有 2 則答案
加賴叫過去 高三下 (2024/08/11):


這段文章描述的是 Terry 利用她的一週假期去拜訪住在鄉下的祖父母的經歷,文章中的空格需要根據上下文來選擇正確的答案。

第18題: 句子:「her grandparents (18) for her excitedly for hours」 這裡描述的是祖父母期待她的到來。


  • (A) waited(等待):最合適的選項,表示祖父母已經等待了她幾個小時。
  • (B) has waited(現在完成式):不符合上下文,句子是描述過去的事情。
  • (C) had waiting(語法錯誤):不正確的形式。
  • (D) had been waiting(過去完成進行式):這裡強調他們已經等待了很長時間,可以接受,但「waited」更符合簡潔的描述。

正確答案(D) had been waiting

台中大雅家教-睿智數學及英 研一下 (2024/08/15):

解析: When she arrived, her grandparents ___(18)___ for her excitedly for hours.


持續等,用過去完成進行式 had been waiting,選D正解
(A) waited 等待(過去式)(X)
(B) has waited 已經等待(現在完成式)(X)
(C) had waiting 無此時態(X)
(D) had been waiting 過去完成進行式(O)

Questions 16-20       &nb..-阿摩線上測驗