
 The Justice Department and 38 states and territories on Tuesday laid out how Google had systematically wielded its power in online search to cow competitors, as the internet giant fiercely parried back, in the opening of the most consequential trial over tech power in the modern internet era.
 In a packed courtroom at the
(E) Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse in Washington, the Justice Department and states painted a picture of how Google had used its deep pockets and dominant position, paying $10 billion a year to Apple and others to be the default search provider on smartphones. Google viewed those agreements as a “powerful strategic weapon” to cut out rivals and entrench its search engine, the government said.
 “This feedback loop, this wheel, has been turning for more than 12 years,” said Kenneth Dintzer, the Justice Department’s lead courtroom lawyer “And it always turns to Google’s advantage.”
 Google denied that it had illegally used agreements to exclude its search competitors and said it had simply provided a superior product, adding that people can easily switch which search engine they use. The company also said that internet search extends more broadly than its general search engine and pointed to the many ways that people now find information online, such as Amazon for shopping, TikTok for entertainment and Expedia for travel﹒
 “Users today have more search options and more ways to access information online than ever before,” said John E. Schmidtlein, the lawyer who opened for Google.
 The back-and-forth came in the federal government’s first monopoly trial since it tried to break up Microsoft more than two decades ago﹒ This case — U.S. et al. v. Google —is set to have profound implications not only for the internet behemoth but for a generation of other large tech companies that have come to influence how people shop, communicate, entertain themselves and work. 
A government victory could set limits on Google and change its business practices, sending a humbling message to the other tech giants. If Google wins, it could act as a referendum on increasingly aggressive government regulators, raise questions about the efficacy of century-old antitrust laws and further embolden Silicon Valley.

【題組】29. Based on the passage, what is most likely the reason Google is described as an “internet Behemoth"?
(A) The press does not see a bright future in the company.
(B) The company plays a dominant role in the internet.
(C)The company keeps a low profile in the internet.
(D) The company is one of the first companies to promote gender equality in the workplace.
(E) The company recognizes the importance of the freedom of speech.

難度: 計算中

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
Celeste 小五下 (2024/09/01):


1.Google had systematically wielded its power in online search to cow competitors" - 這表明 Google 系統地運用其在線搜索中的力量來壓制競爭對手。
2. Google had used its deep pockets and dominant position"- Google 利用其雄厚的資金和主導地位。
3. paying $10 billion a year to Apple and others to be the default search provider on smartphones" - Google 通過巨額支付來確保其在智能手機上的默認搜索提供商地位。

文章這些文字共同表明了 Google 在互聯網領域的主導地位。所以答案是B(B) "The company plays a dominant role in the internet"(該公司在互聯網中扮演著主導角色)

(A) The press does not see a bright future in the company.
   - 這段文字並沒有提到媒體對 Google 未來的看法,因此這個選項不正確。

(C) The company keeps a low profile in the internet.
   - 沒有提到google保持低調。因此這個選項不正確。

(D) The company is one of the first companies to promote gender equality in the workplace.**
   - 這段文字沒有提到 Google 在促進工作場所性別平等,錯

(E) The company recognizes the importance of the freedom of speech.
   - 這段文字沒有提到 Google 認識到言論自由的重要性,所以錯。


Reading2 The Justice Department and 38 s..-阿摩線上測驗