
Some American couples go to a marriage counselor for help with their marriage. A typical complaint from a wife goes: Well, Doctor, I’m beginning to worry about my marriage. My husband and 41 just don’t understand each other. We both work full-time, but I do all the work at home-you know, 42 dinner, wash clothes, and clean the house. His life is easy; he 43 one job. I have two! Sometimes I feel so lonely. When he’s home, he reads the newspaper or watches TV. He doesn’t talk with me; he talks 44 me. He only talks with his friends. He doesn’t listen if I tell him about my day. He isn’t 45 in our friends and relatives. Sometimes he gives me orders. Sometimes he tells me about sports or politics, but I don’t like it because I feel like a student in school. What’s wrong with him?
(A) interesting
(B) interested
(C) interest
(D) interests

難度: 簡單
106-警察.上榜了 大二上 (2017/04/29)
He isn’t ......後面只能選(☆)★(☆)(☆)...

“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/06/01)

一些美國夫婦去婚姻顧問幫他們結婚。一位妻子的典型抱怨是:醫生,我開始擔心我的婚姻。我的丈夫和()只是不了解對方。我們都是全職工作,但我在家裡做所有的工作 - 你知道,(料理)晚餐,洗衣服,打掃房子。他的生活很簡單,他只有一份工作。我有兩個!有時我感到很孤單。當他在家時,他閱讀報紙或看電視。他不和我說話;他我說的沒反應。他只和他的朋友聊天。如果我告訴他我的一天,他不會聽。他對我們的朋友和親戚沒有興趣。有時他給我訂單。有時他會告訴我體育或政治,但我不喜歡它,因為我覺得自己像一個學校的學生。他究竟怎麼了?

李丞 高三下 (2020/05/15)

He isn't 45 in our friends and relatives


考慮情緒動詞Ving(interesting)--->令人覺得有興趣     情緒動詞Ved(interested)---->感到有興趣


Some American couples go to a marriage c..-阿摩線上測驗